Campus & Community
Law Student Sclafani Highlights the Work of the Community Review Board, Opportunities to Get Involved on the ‘’Cuse Conversations’ Podcast
As a student in the joint J.D./M.P.A. degree program, Brianna Sclafani L’23, G’23 doesn’t find herself with a lot of free time for extracurricular activities. But when she found out about the University’s Community Review Board (CRB), an independent advisory…
Supporting Student Wellness Series: Cultivating Comfortable Cohabitation
With the returning student room selection priority deadline, Thursday, March 16, and as incoming students await living assignments, the topic of cultivating comfortable cohabitation is buzzing. Navigating new living situations and roommates are pillars of the student experience. Successful cohabitation…
Certifying CPR Training Offered to Campus Community by Syracuse University Ambulance
Syracuse University Ambulance (SUA) is pleased to offer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training for students, faculty and staff. The next available class is Wednesday, March 29, from 5 to 8 p.m. in Lyman 020. This training offers the American Heart Association (AHA)…
Message From Provost Gretchen Ritter
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff: I am writing today as a follow-up to the message you received last week regarding the election agreement made between the University, Syracuse Graduate Employees United (SGEU) and Service Employees International Union Local 200United (SEIU) governing the…
Kelly Chandler-Olcott Named Dean of the School of Education
Vice Chancellor, Provost and Chief Academic Officer Gretchen Ritter today announced the appointment of Kelly Chandler-Olcott as dean of the Syracuse University School of Education (SOE). She has served as interim dean since 2021, during which time she has led…
Behzad Mortazavi Named Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
Vice Chancellor, Provost and Chief Academic Officer Gretchen Ritter today announced the selection of Behzad Mortazavi as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S). Mortazavi comes to Syracuse University from the University of Alabama’s College of Arts and…
Libraries Accepting Proposals for 2024-25 SCRC Faculty Fellows Program
Syracuse University Libraries’ Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) is accepting online application proposals through April 29 for two Faculty Fellows for the 2024-25 academic year. The Faculty Fellows program provides a $5,000 fellowship payment, a hands-on introduction to engaging with…
Goal Getter: When Tahirah Abdul-Qadir ’26 Sets a Goal, She Achieves It
When Syracuse native and first-year student Tahirah Abdul-Qadir ’26 set a goal to complete the Congressional Award program, she went for the highest achievable level possible: the Congressional Gold Medal. The requirements are rigorous: 400 hours of voluntary public service;…
Learn How InclusiveU Student Thomas Wilson ’23 Is Fulfilling His Dreams on the ‘’Cuse Conversations’ Podcast
Like most children, Thomas Wilson ’23 grew up watching television. But unlike most children, his preferred shows weren’t cartoons. Rather, he loved watching both the local and national newscasts, dreaming of one day sitting behind the anchor desk or serving…
Orange Community Invited to Participate in Forever Orange Week, March 20-24
From an enlightening book talk to Boost the ‘Cuse and a birthday celebration, Forever Orange Week 2023 promises to be the most exciting one to date! Forever Orange Week, March 20-24, is Syracuse University’s annual celebration of what it means…