Business & Economy
Whitman School Welcomes Inaugural Class of MBA@Syracuse Students
The Martin J. Whitman School of Management and 2U Inc. announced Tuesday the start of the inaugural class of students in MBA@Syracuse, the school’s newly enhanced online M.B.A. degree program powered by 2U. The first MBA@Syracuse students, a group of…
Student Ventures Can Enter Panasci Business Plan Competition to Win Startup Funding
The Falcone Center for Entrepreneurship and the Department of Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises (EEE) in the Whitman School of Management are calling for submissions for the 2015 Panasci Business Plan Competition. The competition accepts business plan ideas from graduate and…
Whitman School Introduces Online M.S. in Accounting
The new program offering from the Whitman School and 2U will combine the University’s established reputation and robust accounting curriculum with 2U’s advanced learning platform and technology-enabled services.
Whitman School of Management and 2U Inc. to Launch MBA@Syracuse
The Martin J. Whitman School of Management and 2U Inc. announced a partnership to further strengthen Syracuse’s highly ranked online MBA degree.
Chancellor Syverud Appointed Co-Chair of Regional Economic Development Council
New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has appointed Chancellor and President Kent Syverud the new co-chair of the Central New York Regional Economic Development Council (CNYREDC). Chancellor Syverud will lead the regional council in collaboration with co-chair Robert Simpson, president…
Author and Serial Entrepreneur Bob Dorf to Speak at Whitman
The Department of Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises (EEE) at the Martin J. Whitman School of Management will host author and serial entrepreneur Bob Dorf on Wednesday, April 23, for a presentation titled “Let Your Customers Design Your Startup: Putting Lean…
Syracuse Startup Golden Gloves Recognized in Inc. Magazine
Each year Inc. Magazine creates a list of America’s Coolest College Startups. This year number six is Syracuse University’s own Golden Gear. Started by Daniel Goldberg in 2009, Golden Gear seeks to create more functional protective gear for combat sports….
Students Pitch for as Much as $10,000 at RvD IDEA Awards
There is no shortage of creative students with innovative, entrepreneurial ideas on the SU campus. Whether you’re in the Panasci Lounge at Schine or waiting in line at Starbucks, you can hear students talking about the “What ifs” and realizing…
From Fight Ring to Business Enterprise
In the fight ring, the individual competitor stands alone, backed only by his resolve and weeks of grueling training. For Daniel Goldberg ’15, that mental stamina and discipline he developed as a Muay Thai fighter translates well into his role of entrepreneur.
Whitman’s iMBA Program Ranked 39th by U.S. News & World Report
The online MBA (iMBA) program in the Martin J. Whitman School of Management has been ranked #39 in U.S. News & World Report’s publication of the 2014 Best Online Business Programs, released Jan. 8. The rankings include 169 programs from…