Search Results for: university of new york buffalo

SU religion department marks Earth Day with two public lectures April 22

Monday, April 13, 2009, By News Staff

SU religion department marks Earth Day with two public lectures April 22April 13, 2009Rob The Department of Religion in The College of Arts and Sciences will present two keynote lectures as part of Syracuse University’s annual observance of Earth…

Soprano Julianna Sabol to present ‘An April Soiree’ April 15

Tuesday, March 31, 2009, By News Staff

Soprano Julianna Sabol to present ‘An April Soiree’ April 15March 31, 2009Erica Soprano Julianna Sabol, faculty member and co-chair of the voice department in the Rose, Jules R. and Stanford S. Setnor School of Music in Syracuse University’s College…

Premiere of piece by Pulitzer Prize winner Robert Ward marks dedication of Life Sciences Complex

Monday, October 13, 2008, By News Staff

Rob Enslin(315) 443-3403 As part of the Nov. 7 dedication of Syracuse University’s Life Sciences Complex, the University’s award-winning brass ensemble will premiere a special piece by Pulitzer Prize winner Robert Ward. Aptly titled “In Praise of Science,” the short,…

Premiere of piece by Pulitzer Prize winner Robert Ward marks dedication of SU’s Life Sciences Complex

Monday, October 13, 2008, By News Staff

Premiere of piece by Pulitzer Prize winner Robert Ward marks dedication of SU’s Life Sciences ComplexOctober 13, 2008Rob As part of the Nov. 7 dedication of Syracuse University’s Life Sciences Complex, the University’s award-winning brass ensemble will premiere a…

As students prepare for pivotal elections, SU launches ambitious Rock the Vote campaign

Thursday, September 25, 2008, By News Staff

As students prepare for pivotal elections, SU launches ambitious Rock the Vote campaignSeptember 25, 2008Matthew R. The 2008 general election is galvanizing young people nationwide. Closer to home, reported figures indicate a 160 percent increase in turnout among voters…

Bi-national meeting of the Great Lakes Sustainable Energy Consortium set for Feb. 27

Monday, February 25, 2008, By News Staff

Bi-national meeting of the Great Lakes Sustainable Energy Consortium set for Feb. 27February 25, 2008Martin A bi-national meeting of the Great Lakes Sustainable Energy Consortium (GLSEC) will be held in Syracuse, N.Y., on Wednesday, Feb. 27. The consortium —…

Award-winning Stone Canoe journal launches second edition

Wednesday, February 6, 2008, By News Staff

Award-winning Stone Canoe journal launches second editionFebruary 06, 2008Eileen Syracuse University has launched the second edition of Stone Canoe: A Journal of Arts and Ideas from Upstate New York. The 400-page publication features the work of 98 artists and…

Syracuse researchers link higher test scores with certified librarians in schools

Tuesday, February 5, 2008, By News Staff

Syracuse researchers link higher test scores with certified librarians in schoolsFebruary 05, 2008Margaret Costello New York state schools with certified librarians have higher scores on average on the fourth-grade English Language Arts (ELA) test than those who don’t, according…

SU dedicates renovated residence hall in honor of Oren Lyons ’58: faithkeeper, scholar, activist, artist, athlete

Tuesday, December 4, 2007, By News Staff

SU dedicates renovated residence hall in honor of Oren Lyons ’58: faithkeeper, scholar, activist, artist, athleteDecember 04, 2007SU News On Nov. 28, more than 100 Native American leaders, family and friends; students, faculty and staff; and political and community…

Local communities to come together at Onondaga Lake Sept. 20 to celebrate peace

Friday, September 7, 2007, By News Staff

Local communities to come together at Onondaga Lake Sept. 20 to celebrate peaceSeptember 07, 2007Kelly Homan The Syracuse University, Onondaga Nation and Central New York communities will come together at Onondaga Lake on Thursday, Sept. 20, in conjunction with…