Search Results for: university of new york buffalo

Arts & Culture

Sixtieth birthday concert of SU faculty composer Daniel S. Godfrey to feature Cassatt String Quartet, pianist Adrienne Kim

Thursday, October 1, 2009, By Erica Blust

The Rose, Jules R. and Stanford S. Setnor School of Music will celebrate the 60th birthday season of faculty composer Daniel S. Godfrey with a concert of works by the composer on Friday, Oct. 16.

Mellon CNY Humanities Corridor announces fall lineup

Thursday, September 24, 2009, By News Staff

Rob Enslin(315) 443-3403 The Andrew W. Mellon Central New York Humanities Corridor has announced its Fall 2009 schedule of events and activities. Unless otherwise indicated, everything is held at Syracuse University and is free and open to the public. For…

Arts & Culture

Mellon CNY Humanities Corridor announces fall lineup

Thursday, September 24, 2009, By Rob Enslin

The Andrew W. Mellon Central New York Humanities Corridor has announced its Fall 2009 schedule of events and activities.

Marion Wilson appointed director of community initiatives in the visual arts

Monday, September 21, 2009, By News Staff

Jennifer Russo(315) 443-4751 Marion Wilson has been appointed director of community initiatives in the visual arts in the School of Education at Syracuse University. In this role, she will continue her work with the Partnership for Better for Education (PBE)…

Health & Society

Marion Wilson appointed director of community initiatives in the visual arts

Monday, September 21, 2009, By Jennifer Russo

Marion Wilson has been appointed director of community initiatives in the visual arts in the School of Education.

Syracuse Center of Excellence announces technology demonstration awards to three Central Upstate companies

Monday, July 20, 2009, By News Staff

Carissa Matthews(315) 443-3507 The Syracuse Center of Excellence (SyracuseCoE) today announced that three Central Upstate New York companies have received a total of $415,798 in the third round of Technology Application and Demonstration (TAD 2009) awards. These demonstration projects are…

iSchool announces winners of its Windows Project

Wednesday, June 3, 2009, By News Staff

Six art installations have been selected to fill the spaces in the ground floor window wells of Hinds Hall.

iSchool announces winners of its Windows Project

Wednesday, May 20, 2009, By News Staff

Margaret Spillett(315) 443-1069 The School of Information Studies (iSchool) has selected six art installations to fill the spaces in the ground floor window wells of Hinds Hall, moving the iSchool’s Windows Project one step closer to completion. An additional proposal…

Syracuse iSchool announces winners of its Windows Project

Wednesday, May 20, 2009, By News Staff

Syracuse iSchool announces winners of its Windows ProjectMay 20, 2009Margaret Costello The School of Information Studies (iSchool) has selected six art installations to fill the spaces in the ground floor window wells of Hinds Hall, moving the iSchool’s Windows…

ESF to confer degrees at May 10 Commencement ceremony

Tuesday, April 28, 2009, By News Staff

ESF to confer degrees at May 10 Commencement ceremonyApril 28, 2009Karen Moore The SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) will confer more than 400 degrees during joint Commencement exercises with Syracuse University on Sunday, May 10, in the…