Search Results for: university of new york buffalo
Community-wide symposium to explore art with a social conscience April 22-24 at Syracuse University
Community-wide symposium to explore art with a social conscience April 22-24 at Syracuse UniversityApril 08, 2008Judy Workers, labor activists, scholars, musicians, artists, filmmakers and writers will gather at Syracuse University April 22-24 to celebrate and explore art with a…
New staff members join New York State Science and Technology Law Center
New staff members join New York State Science and Technology Law CenterMarch 31, 2008Jaclyn D. The New York State Science and Technology Law Center (NYS STLC) at Syracuse University College of Law has announced the appointment of two associate…
Syracuse University helps focus nation on solutions to global warming
Syracuse University helps focus nation on solutions to global warmingJanuary 22, 2008Sara On Jan. 31, Syracuse University and the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) will jointly present a day of speakers and events focused on bringing…
Syracuse University’s Mark N. Glauser elected a fellow of American Physical Society
Syracuse University’s Mark N. Glauser elected a fellow of American Physical SocietyOctober 18, 2007Tricia Mark N. Glauser, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering in Syracuse University’s L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science (LCS) and associate director of…
Marilyn Higgins named vice president for community engagement and economic impact at Syracuse University
Marilyn Higgins named vice president for community engagement and economic impact at Syracuse UniversitySeptember 14, 2007Kevin C. Marilyn Higgins has been named vice president for community engagement and economic impact at Syracuse University, effective Oct. 15. In this newly…
Buffalo researcher to speak as part of Syracuse Center of Excellence Office for Industry Collaboration research and technology forum July 9
Buffalo researcher to speak as part of Syracuse Center of Excellence Office for Industry Collaboration research and technology forum July 9July 06, 2007Kelly Homan Robert Baier, professor at the University at Buffalo, will speak on improving indoor air quality…
Syracuse University to host Finger Lakes Regional Mock Trial Tournament Feb. 16-18
Syracuse University to host Finger Lakes Regional Mock Trial Tournament Feb. 16-18February 13, 2007Kelly Homan Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences will host an American Mock Trial Association (AMTA) regional tournament, the Finger Lakes Regional Tournament, Feb. 16-18….
Spina appointed vice chancellor and provost at Syracuse University
Spina appointed vice chancellor and provost at Syracuse UniversityJanuary 18, 2007Kevin C. Eric F. Spina has been appointed Syracuse University’s vice chancellor and provost by Chancellor and President Nancy Cantor, following the recommendation by the Vice Chancellor Search Committee…
Chief Justice of the United States John G. Roberts, Jr., to deliver Newhouse III dedication keynote next fall
Chief Justice of the United States John G. Roberts, Jr., to deliver Newhouse III dedication keynote next fallNovember 03, 2006Kevin C. Chief Justice of the United States John G. Roberts, Jr., will deliver the keynote address at the dedication…
SU joins New York State higher education grid computing project
SU joins New York State higher education grid computing projectSeptember 13, 2006Judy Syracuse University has joined forces with seven public and private universities in a new venture to provide researchers access to high-powered computing resources through the New York…