All Media Coverage
NASA Works To Create A New Space Suit Amidst Upcoming Moon Missions
Sean O’Keefe, University Professor at the Maxwell School, was interviewed by the BBC for the piece, “Upcoming Moon missions spur the search for new spacesuits.” O’Keefe discussed NASA’s space suit design, saying, “Every variant of every space suit Nasa has…
The United States Need For Better Long-Term Services and Support For the Elderly
Nina Kohn, the David M. Levy Professor of Law and Faculty Director of Online Education in the College of Law, was quoted in the Politico story ‘We Don’t Fix This Because We Just Don’t Care About Old People’ Kohn discussed the…
China and the United States Will Work Together To Tackle Climate Change
Dimitar Gueorguiev, assistant professor for political science in the Maxwell School, authored an opinion piece for the Washington Post “The U.S. and China agreed to work together on climate action. What would push this cooperation forward?” and was quoted in…
Astroworld Concert Sparks Online Conspiracies Surrounding the Tragic Event
Jennifer Stromer-Galley, professor in the School of Information Studies and Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs, was quoted in The Guardian story “Astroworld disaster fuels wave of satanic conspiracy theories on TikTok.” Prof. Stromer-Galley was also quoted about…
Is DotDash Acquiring People Magazine A Smart Business Move?
Aileen Gallagher, associate professor of magazine, news and digital journalism in the Newhouse School, was quoted in the New York Times story “People Magazine Heads to New Ownership. Again.” With People Magazine recently being bought by the company DotDash, many…
COVID Misinformation and How to Stop It
The Surgeon General just released a toolkit to help people fight misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines. It is geared specifically for people to talk about misinformation within their close circles of friends and family. Social media researcher Jenny Stromer-Galley, professor at…
Asylum Grant Rates Increase Under Biden Administration
Under the new Biden administration, asylum seekers are seeing greater success rates in securing asylum. While the percent of immigrants who were denied asylum went up each year during the Trump administration to a high of 71 percent in FY…
Pre-Thanksgiving Supply Chain Concerns
Patrick Penfield, professor of supply chain practice and director of Executive Education in the Whitman School, was interviewed by NBC’s LX News Now for the piece, “What To Know About Supply Chain Shortages Ahead of Thanksgiving and Holiday Shopping.” Penfield…
Will the NCAA’s New Transformation Committee Be A Success?
Rick Burton, David B. Falk Endowed Professor of Sport Management in Falk College, wrote commentary for Sportico entitled, “Transformers? NCAA’s Optimus Committee Is Hardly Prime.” Burton, who wrote this commentary, discussed the NCAA’s recent decision to create a Transformation Committee. He…
Psychology Professor Provides Tips To Navigate Holiday Season Stress
For many families, this holiday season will be the first that loved ones are gathering together again after a socially-distanced year apart. It will bring a sense of relief for many, but for others, a return of stress and anxiety…