All Media Coverage
Associate Professor Margaret Thompson Discusses the Best and Worst Presidents
Margaret Thompson, associate professor of history and political science, was interviewed by WSYR-TV for the story “Historians rank best and worst presidents.”
Associate Professor Elizabeth Cohen on the Economic Impact of Immigration
Elizabeth Cohen, associate professor of political science, was interviewed by WalletHub about the proposed border wall’s effectiveness, enforcing immigration policies and economic implications of immigration reform in a story titled “Economic Impact of Immigration by State.”
Associate Dean Gurdip Singh on New Funding for Drone Research
Gurdip Singh, Associate Dean for Research and Doctoral Programs in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, was interviewed for the WSYR story “State funds 6 SU drone research projects.”
Associate Professor Lee McKnight on the Internet of Things
Lee McKnight, associate professor in the iSchool, discusses the way in which Syracuse University faculty are students exploring machine to machine communication and the Internet of Things in an EdTech story “3 Ways Colleges Are Utilizing the Internet of Things.”
Professor David Crane on War Crimes in Syria
David Crane, Professor of Practice in the College of Law, was interviewed by British Forces News for its current events program Sitrep to discuss bringing justice to perpetrators of war crimes in Syria.
World-Renowned Researcher on Pollution and Climate Change Reacts to the New EPA Chief
Syracuse University Professor Charles Driscoll, a faculty member in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, offered his reaction to Scott Pruit being named as the new EPA administrator. “I am concerned that he does not seem to be a supporter…
Professor Robert Thompson on the Fascination with the North Korean Poison Plot
Robert Thompson, Trustee Professor and director of the Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture, was quoted by the Associated Press for the story “Finding poison in N. Korea attack may be hardest part.”
Wesley Lefferts, a Grad Student at School of Education, Talks About a New Study on Exercise and a Healthy Brain
Wesley Lefferts, a graduate student in the School of Education, was interviewed by CNY Central about his research project “Link between exercise & a healthy brain?”
Associate Professor Roy Gutterman on Leaks and the Free Press
Roy Gutterman, associate professor at the Newhouse School and director of the Tully Center for Free Speech, was interviewed by Voice of America for the story “What Are ‘Leaks’ That So Anger President Trump?”
Dana L. Cloud Quoted in Story on How to Win Any Type of Argument
Dana L. Cloud, professor and director of graduate studies in the department of communication and rhetorical studies, was quoted by Glamour magazine for the article “How to Win Any Type of Fight in 7 Strategic Steps.”