All Media Coverage
Jennifer Grygiel on the Facebook Murder Video
Jennifer Grygiel, assistant professor of communications, was quoted interviewed for a CBS News story “Cleveland murder raises questions about violent videos on facebook.”
Assistant Professor Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern inquires about food security during national gathering
Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern, assistant professor at the Falk School, appeared on C-Span coverage of Consumer Federation of American National Food.
Sports Law Professor on the Seven Legal Cases that Impacted Sports During the Past 40 Years
Falk professor of sports law John Wolohan writes for Athletic Business The Seven Cases that Shaped Sports Since 1977, which examines the most important legal cases involving sports, fitness and recreation over the past 40 years
Assistant Professor Roy Gutterman talks government criticism on Twitter
Roy Gutterman, Associate Professor and Director of The Tully Center for Free Speech, was interviewed by CNET for the article Twitter Sues US Government After Complaint Over Anti-Trump Account, and Wins
Professor William Banks Discusses the Latest Developments in the Carter Page Surveillance
William Banks, Board of Advisors Distinguished Professor of Law, was quoted by Wired magazine for the story The Carter Page Surveillance Doesn’t Prove Anyone’s Conspiracy Theory
Chris Faricy: Are Americans Ready for Tax Reform?
Christopher Faricy, assistant professor of political science, was quoted in Christian Science Monitor story “Are Americans ready to get on board with tax reform? Not so much.”
Sheldon Stone: What’s Left to Learn About Antimatter?
Sheldon Stone, distinguished professor of physics, was quoted in a Symmetry Magazine story “What’s left to learn about antimatter?”
James Steinberg: A rocky relationship takes center stage
James Steinberg, University Professor of social science, international affairs, and law, co-authored an article for The Brookings Institution, “The Trump-Xi summit: A rocky relationship takes center stage.”
William Banks: Trump Strikes Back in Syria
William Banks, Board of Adivsors Distinguished Professor of law, was interviewed by Bloomberg news for the piece “Trump Strikes Back in Syria.”
Corri Zoli on the Pros and Cons of Missile Attack on Syria
Corri Zoli, Director of Research and Assistant Professor of Research at the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism, was quoted by CBS-SF for the story Syrian Opposition Leader Hopes U.S. Strike ‘Beginning Of The End’ Of Civil War