All Media Coverage
Roy Gutterman Writes an Op-Ed on the FCC and Late Night Satire
Roy Gutterman, associate professor and Director of The Tully Center for Free Speech, provided a guest colmn for titled “Jokes, Indecency and the Federal Communications Commission.”
William Banks explains obstruction of justice
William Banks, Board of Advisors Distinguished Professor at the College of Law and Director of INSCT, was quoted in a Time Magazine story “What is obstruction of justice?”
Bill Smullen discusses newest revelations in James Comey’s memo
Bill Smullen, professor of public relations and director of national security studies, was interviewed on WSYR TV for the story “Political backlash surrounding memo by former FBI director.”
Mehrzad Boroujerdi discusses Iranian elections and possible outcomes
Mehrzad Boroujerdi, professor of political science at the Maxwell School, was quoted in a Washington Post story “No matter who wins Iran’s election, he’ll have a fight with the supreme leader.”
John Palmer is interviewed on living on Social Security benefits
John Palmer, University Professor and Dean Emeritus, was quoted in an U.S. News and World Report story “7 tips to live well on Social Security alone.”
Professor Amanda Nicholson is interviewed on the retailers who are surviving in the age of Amazon
Amanda Nicholson, professor of retail practice at the Whitman School of Management, was interviewed by CBS News for the story “These retailers are proving to be ‘un-Amazonable.’”
Deborah Coolhart discusses resources and help for young people navigating sexual idenity
Deborah Coolhart, assistant professor in the Marriage and Family Therapy Department of Falk College, was quoted in the New York Times article “If You’re Asking, ‘Am I Gay? Lesbian? Bi? Trans? Queer?’ Here’s a Start.”
Professor Banks discusses the new developments in the Justice Department investigation into Russian interference
William Banks, Board of Advisors Distinguished Professor at the College of Law and Director of INSCT, was interviewed by Bloomberg News for the story “Robert Mueller garners bipartisan support in new role.”
Steven Pike interviewed on how intelligence is shared between governments
Steven Pike, assistant professor of public relations, was quoted in an Associated Press article “AP Explains: Trump disclosure a breach of trust, if not law.”
Roy Gutterman discusses media coverage of President Trump
Roy Gutterman, associate professor and director of The Tully Center for Free Speech, was interviewed on Crosstalk TV in it’s coverage of how U.S. media is covering President Trump.