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Social Media Expert on Facebook’s Data Breach
Amidst continuous investigations into Facebook and potential Russian meddling in the 2016 Presidential election, the social media goliath now has a new issue to face in a report stating the company misused over 50 million users’ confidential information. For several…
Remington Arms Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
The 200-year-old gun manufacturing business Remington Arms has recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and Syracuse College of Law professor and Bankruptcy Clinic director Gregory Germain spoke with Spectrum News about this filing. “The idea is to keep the business…
School Violence Expert on the Impact of the March to End Gun Violence
Ellen deLara, a Syracuse University associate professor emerita of social work, is available to discuss issues around school violence and school shootings. She sent along some comments after this weekend’s march to end gun violence as well as the issue…
Expert Grygiel Calls on Facebook Leaders After Data Breach
In a new scandal, Facebook has been charged with a data breach that allowed 50 million users’ private data to be harvested without their permission. With such a serious issue at hand, social media expert and Newhouse professor Jennifer Grygiel…
Contracts Most Intriguing Part of Stormy Situation
Much has been made out of President Trumps alleged affair with adult actress Stormy Daniels. However, a recent Huffington Post article argues that the most intruging aspect of the who debacle isn’t the sexual acts, but the legal documents used…
Education Professor Talks #MarchForOurLives
This weekend, countless #MarchForOurLives rallies were staged across the nation in response to the shooting in Parkland, Florida. For News Channel 9, Julia White, an assistant professor in the School of Education, discussed the rallies, and the efforts behind them….
When to Disclose Your Non-Disclosure Agreement
Professor of Law Gregory Germain spoke with Huffington Post about non-disclosure agreements, especially after the use of these contracts between President Trump and women who claimed to have had affairs with him before he was president. One woman, Stephanie Clifford…
Social Media Expert Jennifer Grygiel Discusses Mark Zuckerberg’s Apology Post-Cambridge Analytica
Jennifer Grygiel, assistant professor of communications at Newhouse, was a guest on the BBC show Business Matters discussing what is next for Facebook after the Cambridge Analytica scandal. “It is time for Mark Zuckerberg needs to ramp up his efforts of…
Same Mosquito Transmitting Yellow Fever, Dengue and Zika Virus
Brazil is working to get a handle on the worst outbreak of yellow fever in decades. Just this week, the government announced that it planned to vaccinate the entire country against the virus by April 2019. David Larsen is an…
Can Judges Rule on Gerrymandering and Stay Non-Political?
Professor Keith Bybee, a legal scholar at Syracuse University who studies issues around gerrymandering and perceptions of judicial bias, is available to discuss the legal issues of Benisek v. Lamone which will be argued before the Supreme Court on Wednesday, March…