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New Entry in Governor Race Threatens Cuomo
Even with an eye on the 2020 Presidential race, Governor Andrew Cuomo will face a challenge sooner. Cynthia Nixon, best known for playing Miranda on HBO’s ‘Sex and the City” series, has entered the race, which could take a chunk of…
Lee McKnight Comments on Personal Data on Social Sites
Prior to Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony about data breaches within Facebook, iSchool associate professor Lee McKnight spoke with CNYCentral about what to expect when entering personal information onto social platforms. “Basically declaring data about yourself is your own property, and you have…
Expert Jennifer Grygiel Dissects Zuckerberg’s Testimony
Amidst the testimony of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg this week, Newhouse assistant professor and social media expert Jennifer Grygiel has been surprised by a few of his answers. This was especially true in a response Zuckerberg gave to a question…
How Memes Stir Up Fake News
During Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony, he vowed to fix Facebook’s fake news problem and to help stop the spread of misinformation shared by bots and foreign sources. While this is all well and good, Newhouse assistant professor of communications Jennifer Grygiel…
Can Renewable Energy Forms Fill Fracking Gap?
Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking”, was once seen as the future of New York’s energy systems. But now, it is not a viable option. Now the Empire State is looking to find energy with renewable options – which may not be…
Unintended Trade War Consequences
As a potential trade war with China looms, President Trump has admitted that he’s “not saying there won’t be a little pain.” This could refer to rising prices of certain goods, or other ‘unintended consequences.’ It also depends on the…
International Justice Expert Crane on Syrian Bombings
Syracuse law professor and international justice expert David Crane joined both Wisconsin and North Carolina public radio stations to talk about Trump’s plans and the crisis in Syria following last week’s bombing of chemical weapons plants in Syria. Crane joined…
Think Before You Speak, Just Like Right Whales
New research shows that right whales may have the ability to think about their calls before vocalizing them. Holly Root-Gutteridge, a former postdoctoral researcher in the College of Arts and Sciences, spoke with Scientific American about this new information, and…
Zuckerberg Testimony Step in Right Direction for Regulation
While there were no real fireworks following Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony of a security breach at Facebook, there were still benefits of the trial, according to social media expert and Newhouse assistant professor of communication, Jennifer Grygiel. Grygiel spoke with AFP…
Trump’s Influence on the Democratic Party
Much has changed since President Trump was elected, including the political parties themselves. In a recent PBS Frontline article, Danielle Thomsen, an associate professor of political science at the Maxwell School, explained the POTUS’ influence on the Democratic Party, and…