Faculty Experts

PJ DiPietro

Associate Professor of Women's & Gender Studies

PJ DiPietro, associate professor of women’s and gender studies in the College of Arts and Sciences, is an expert on the intersection of decolonial feminism, Latinx studies, and trans studies. Their approach to women’s and gender studies reflects a transdisciplinary approach. DiPietro serves as the director of undergraduate studies for the women’s and gender studies program and is also affiliated with LGBTQ studies, Latino-Latin American studies, and Native American and Indigenous studies.

DiPietro is one of the co-editors of Speaking Face to Face: The Visionary Philosophy of María Lugones (SUNY 2019). Their upcoming, single-author manuscript will be published under the title Sideways Selves, The Decolonizing Politics of Trans* Matter Across the Américas.

They collaborate with various organizations and collectives committed to social justice, including the Democratizing Knowledge Collective at Syracuse University, the Association for Jotería Arts, Activism, and Scholarship (AJAAS), the decolonial philosophy collaborative REC-Latinoamérica, and the travesti collectives Damas de Hierro and Futuro TransGenérico.