Faculty Experts

PJ DiPietro

Associate Professor of Women's & Gender Studies

Decolonial Feminism; Trans* Studies; Afro-Latinx/Latinx/Chicanx Feminist Theories; Feminist and Socio-Political Philosophy; Native and Indigenous Philosophy.

Dr. DiPietro works at the intersection of decolonial feminism, hemispheric Latinx studies, and trans* studies. With a transdisciplinary approach, they engage anthropology, human geography, and philosophy. They collaborate with various organizations and collectives committed to social justice, including the Democratizing Knowledge Collective at Syracuse University, the Association for Jotería Arts, Activism, and Scholarship (AJAAS), the decolonial philosophy collaborative REC-Latinoamérica, and the travesti collectives Damas de Hierro and Futuro TransGenérico. DiPietro has received a Tinker Foundation Scholarship and an Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities. They are one of the co-editors of Speaking Face to Face: The Visionary Philosophy of María Lugones (SUNY 2019), and Trans Philosophy (forthcoming Fall 2024, University of Minnesota Press). Their single-author book Sideways Selves, The Decolonizing Politics of Transing Matter Across the Américas is forthcoming in 2024 with the University of Texas Press.