“Reversing Xenophobic Trump Policy, Biden to Allow 25,000 Asylum-Seekers Stuck in Mexico to Enter US”
Austin Kocher, research assistant professor in the Newhouse School with the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), was quoted in the Common Dreams story “Reversing Xenophobic Trump Policy, Biden to Allow 25,000 Asylum-Seekers Stuck in Mexico to Enter US.” Kocher, an expert on immigration, explains that while President Biden’s choice to allow thousands of asylum-seekers into the U.S. while awaiting their court hearings is a step in the right direction, DHS’s process for these hearing excludes many vulnerable people simply because of technology. “It remains a legal and moral imperative that the U.S. government abide by national and international refugee law and provide these individuals with an opportunity to request asylum,” Kocher says.