Which Shared Competency Matches Your Strengths and Interests?

The Shared Competencies are six Universitywide learning goals for undergraduate students to accomplish while at Syracuse University. The Shared Competencies are: Ethics, Integrity, and Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion; Critical and Creative Thinking; Scientific Inquiry and Research Skills; Civic and Global Responsibility; Communication Skills; and Information Literacy and Technological Agility. But which one of the six is most aligned with your strengths and interests? Take this quiz to find out!

Quiz By Naimah Rahman ’25, S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

How would your friends describe you?

What job would you like to have after graduation?

Which class would you be interested in taking?

What's your preferred study spot on campus?

Which Registered Student Organization would you join?

Which residence hall/complex would you rather live in?

What would you do with one million dollars?