What Residence Hall Are You?

Tell us how you spend your days and a few other things, and we'll share which residence hall you're most like!

You wake up late for class. What do you do?

A person presses snooze on their alarm clock

What are you most excited for in college?

The 2019-20 Be Wise Peer educators

You're hungry. Where do you go to eat?

The Sadler Hall Dining Center

You have an exam to study for but you get invited to a party. What do you do?

SAMHE Malavika journaling

Where do you study on campus?

a study group in Bird

You have some surprise free time. What do you do?

A student tosses an Orange frisbee across the Quad

You have an 8 a.m. class. What time do you wake up?

A phone sitting on a desk playing music

Where's your favorite place to eat on Marshall Street?

A busy Marshall Street

What's your home school or college?

The Hall of Languages on a sunny day

What are your plans after Syracuse?

Students celebrating at Citrus in the City