You may be familiar with course tagging from past semesters, but now there’s even more tools to make this process as easy as possible!

Course tagging allows students to identify courses they can enroll in based on the six Shared Competencies. The Shared Competencies are:

  1. Ethics, Integrity, and Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
  2. Critical and Creative Thinking
  3. Scientific Inquiry and Research Skills
  4. Civic and Global Responsibility
  5. Communication Skills
  6. Information Literacy and Technological Agility

Course tags highlight the knowledge and skills you can expect to gain in specific courses. This allows you to schedule classes based on the skills you want to develop, instead of just what fits into your schedule.

For example, between my major requirements and the liberal arts requirements, I have taken an abundance of classes tagged with Information Literacy and Technological Agility, Critical and Creative Thinking, and Communication Skills. However, I was shocked to discover I haven’t taken many courses that emphasize Ethics, Integrity, and Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion (EICDI). EICDI is becoming more and more important in the IT sector as Artificial Intelligence continues to push the ethical boundaries of technology. When I go to schedule my Fall 2024 classes, I’m going to use course tags to build up my EICDI knowledge and skills.

The search tools for the Shared Competencies make this process easy. Searching for competencies is now possible within Schedule Builder, MySlice Course Search and the Course Catalog. For more info on how to use these tools and search for specific tags, check out a video on selecting classes with the Shared Competencies in mind on Kaltura!

Written By Mack Jackson ’26, School of Information Studies