As the semester draws to a close, it’s essential to ensure that you wrap up the academic term on a strong note. The end-of-semester period can be overwhelming, but with a comprehensive checklist, you can manage your tasks effectively and finish the semester with confidence! Whether you’re a seasoned student or a fresh-faced first-year, the end of the semester marks a significant milestone—one filled with a tapestry of experiences, challenges and growth. Here’s the ultimate end-of-semester checklist to guide you through this busy time.

1. Prep for Final Exams

Make sure to be aware of your final exam schedule before making travel arrangements. Booking rides or flights before your exams doesn’t exempt you from taking them. Ideally, plan your travel for after your final exams to avoid any conflicts with your academic commitments. Additionally, to prep for your exams, you should:

  • Review your course materials thoroughly.
  • Create a study schedule to cover all topics.
  • Utilize resources like past exams and study groups.
  • Seek clarification on any confusing concepts.

2. Manage Your Assignments and Projects

Reach out to your instructors if you have any uncertainties regarding your final assignments and their deadlines. Take the time to review any outstanding work and inquire about potential make-up opportunities if needed. Effective communication with faculty ensures clarity and helps you stay on top of your academic responsibilities. Here are some tips:

  • Complete and submit any outstanding assignments.
  • Double-check project deadlines and make a plan to meet them.
  • Edit and proofread written assignments for clarity and correctness.
  • Seek feedback on drafts if possible.

3. Organize Your Schedule for Next Semester

Tailor your schedule to your class year. If your schedule isn’t full or you’re dissatisfied with your current class sections, Karen McGee, the Assistant Dean of Student Success in the Newhouse School, says you should consider the following options:

  • Experiment with different times of the day to add or swap desired classes. Seats are actively available in the coming weeks, and persistence is key. This applies to Newhouse classes as well as classes across the University, with early mornings often yielding positive results.
  • Explore Friday or early morning recitations or lectures, as these time slots typically have available seats. Adding an 8 a.m. or 9:30 a.m. class now doesn’t mean you’re committed to that time come January; you can continue adjusting in the coming weeks.
  • If dealing with a non-Newhouse department or class, reach out directly to the professor. Some departments allow faculty to manage class enrollment, but Newhouse lacks the authority to facilitate entry into non-Newhouse classes.
  • Utilize the “SWAP” feature on MySlice if you already have a schedule and are seeking better times or more preferable classes. This feature ensures that the current class is dropped only if there’s a 100% guarantee of securing a spot in the new class, providing a safer way to adjust your schedule.

4. Connect With Professors

If you haven’t had a chance to meet with your academic adviser this fall, schedule an appointment to discuss and review your spring schedule.

  • Visit office hours for clarification on course material.
  • Discuss your performance and areas for improvement.
  • Inquire about potential extra credit opportunities.

5. Nurture Professional Relationships

At the beginning of the semester, we spoke with Career Exploration Specialist Daniel Pack on how you can nurture professional relationships after Career Week. As the semester comes to a close, take the time to follow up and update connections on your semester.

  • Send follow-up emails with references to your website or work portfolio.
  • Request informational interviews and company tours during winter break.
  • Seek out opportunities to reconnect.

6. Maintain Health and Well-Being

Ensure you get an ample amount of sleep, maintain a healthy diet and schedule some downtime for yourself while completing your final projects and papers. Add these tips to your routine to make sure you’re taking care of yourself throughout the finals week scramble.

  • Prioritize self-care to manage stress.
  • Get adequate sleep and maintain a balanced diet.
  • Incorporate physical activity into your routine.

By following this comprehensive end-of-semester checklist, you can navigate the final weeks of the academic term with confidence and ensure that you’ve covered all crucial aspects of your academic journey. Remember, a well-organized and proactive approach will not only help you succeed in your current courses, but also set a positive tone for future semesters. Good luck and have a great winter break!

Written By Elijah Brown ’24, S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications