Your progress feels ambivalent. You’ve successfully put yourself in front of a pool of employers, but the next steps are unclear. After exploring more than 70 recruiters during Syracuse University’s Career Week, the nuance of nurturing initial interactions into long-lasting professional relationships can be a struggle. After all, employers laud students who make an effort to stay in touch and keep them updated on future work and accomplishments.

Career Exploration Specialist Daniel Pack said regular communication with employers can lay the groundwork for a job opportunity. “It’s to your benefit to stay in regular contact with all of your connections, especially those at companies you’re interested in,” said Pack. “You never know who will let you know about opportunities or be able to help you get an interview.”

Recruiters often have to sift through numerous resumes and applications, so it’s essential to make it easy for them to notice you. Student professionals can use a series of activities to strengthen their relationships in various fields. Read on for a couple of tips on nurturing your professional relationships after Career Week!

Send Follow-Up Emails

Sending thank-you emails with references to your website or work portfolio is a great way to initiate communication and point recruiters toward your work experience. You should re-introduce yourself with a reminder of the conversation you had to make yourself stand out. Most recruiters will redirect your work to employers aligned with your market.

Make LinkedIn Connections

Connecting with recruiters on LinkedIn is a great way to utilize the popular networking database and keep recruiters updated on your accomplishments, resume advancements and work portfolio. Pack noted that it’s also important to make LinkedIn connections at the recruiters’ company; that way, your name will rise to the top of each search.

Request Informational Interviews and Company Tours

Requesting informational interviews and company tours to learn more about employers’ career paths is a great way to gain valuable insights into their respective fields.

Ask for Advice

Asking for someone’s feedback or advice demonstrates that you value their opinion and expertise, indicating respect for their knowledge and your willingness to build your skill.

Seek Opportunities to Reconnect

Seeking opportunities to reconnect with the people who helped you in your job search is a great way to nurture professional relationships. Attending events, webinars, workshops or conferences and initiating conversations can reconnect you with recruiters you’ve met at previous events. You can also reconnect by inviting them to coffee or lunch, or by sending them a card on special occasions.

Pack advised that keeping a contact list spreadsheet is a great way to ensure you’re regularly checking in with the professional connections you’ve made and showing interest. You should also try to keep your LinkedIn profile up to par and remain active on the site. “Make sure you are liking, commenting and reposting your connections’ posts and articles,” said Pack. “It’s a great way to keep yourself on their minds.”

While maintaining an open channel of communication is an important element in nurturing long-term relationships, respecting the recruiters’ time and not overwhelming them with excessive communication is just as important.

Have more career development or networking questions? Career Services is happy to assist students seeking additional help and is a great resource for more information on career development.

Written By Elijah Brown ’24, S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications