ITS Quiz Answer Key

Compare your answers and find out more about SU’s Information Technology Services below:

Who can you call if you’re having problems with your phone or computer

Answer: The ITS Service Center

The ITS Service Center helps students, faculty and staff with technology-related issues and support both in-person and over the phone.

 Where is the ITS Service Center located?

Answer: Life Sciences Complex

You can find the Service Center in 1-227 CST in the Life Science Atrium.

How often is the Service Center open?

Answer: Days ending in “Y”

The Service Center is open every day of the week. Check out the ITS Service Center website to learn more!

What can you do in the MakerSpace?

Answer: Literally everything

The MakerSpace is located in the Kimmel Hall Computer Lab and contains a variety of equipment, like 3D printers and textile machines, that students can use to work on different projects. It’s open for any student to use, so if you’ve never heard of it, you should check it out!

What solution does ITS recommend to protect your accounts from being hacked?

Answer: Set up multi-factor authentication.

Multi-factor authentication (aka, two-factor authentication) is a simple security measure that requires users to log into their accounts with another form of identification besides their password, like a texted or emailed code. Using MFA makes it harder for hackers to access your account — so make sure to set it up for all your accounts ASAP!

What should you do if you receive an email that you think might be a phishing scam?

Answer: Email or call ITS

Phishing emails can sometimes be hard to identify, even if you know the tips for spotting them. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. If you’re not sure whether an email is a scam or the real deal, you can email or call the ITS Help Desk at 315.443.2677.

If you’re traveling abroad, when is the best time to install the Microsoft Authenticator Application?

Answer: Before leaving the country

Students who study abroad or international students who return to their home countries often can’t get into their email due to not having access to their U.S-based, multi-factor authentication phone number. The solution is to install the Microsoft Authenticator Application on your phone before leaving the country. Otherwise, you’ll need to arrange a video chat session with the ITS Service Center to restore access.

You should go to if you…

Answer: Basically anything involving your password

You can visit to solve 99.99% of your password-related issues (and manage your multi-factor authentication while you’re there.) For the other 0.01%, you can contact the IT Service Center at 315.443.2677.

The website provides…

Answer: A thorough knowledge base of technical, self-help information

Answers offers a library of how-to information relating to technology on campus that can serve as a good first step in troubleshooting. Now that we think about it, though, that Magic 8 Ball thing sounds pretty cool…

Which social media channels does ITS use?

Answer: All of the above

You can find ITS on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – although we’re only on Facebook to stay in touch with our grandma.