Due to the elimination of Spring Break and the need for academic breaks, the University incorporated two wellness days on Tuesday, March 23, and Wednesday, April 21. On these two days, no classes will be held, no assignments will be due and no exams will be scheduled. You may be wondering how you can spend these two days? First,  check out the University Events Calendar for a list of events happening those days – more will be posted soon! Here are a few other ideas on how to spend your relaxing days off!


Although this is an obvious a lot of students forget that their bodies need days off just as much as our minds do! Sleeping in a few hours later than usual can help your body catch up on sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep does not only benefit your body, but it is proven to help you focus better in class and overall academic performance in school.

Build social connection.

Spend the day with your roommate(s) and other individuals in your close ‘pod.’ With everyone having very busy and different academic schedules, we often forget how important it is spending time with the people close to us. Perhaps having a movie marathon, cooking a delicious meal or even getting off campus and running some errands!

Move your body.

Although I mentioned before that our bodies need rest, some light physical activity is also beneficial for your mind and body. Whether you’re just going on a walk around campus with your roommate or taking advantage of the fitness activities offered at the Barnes Center at the Arch, there are many opportunities here on campus to get your body moving!

Practice mindfulness.

While it is important that we practice wellness through our bodies, it is even more important to practice wellness in our minds. Don’t know where to start? Luckily the Barnes Center has different resources available to help practice mindfulness. Here are a few mindful activities you can do right in your dorm room or apartment:

  • Journaling! Writing down your thoughts, what you are grateful for, or keeping a journal of how your day went is a great way acknowledge and explore any anxieties or stress that you may be dealing with.
  • Guided meditations. There are hundreds of free guided meditations on YouTube or you can even download some of the free apps offered through the app store, like Sanvello.
  • Just like the guided meditations, there are tons of free resources to take advantage of on YouTube that you can do right in your dorm room! Even some light stretching is a great mindful activity.
  • Paint or draw. Art has been known to be therapeutic for your brain! Go to your local craft store or dollar store with your roommate and get a bunch of supplies to have a movie and painting night!

I hope this ideas help and you have a relaxing and fun wellness day!

Written by Haley Mykytka ’22, College of Visual and Performing Arts