The ongoing pandemic has presented college students with enormous challenges.  Even though virtual learning has become a norm, that doesn’t mean students should simply accept the faults that come along with it. We can take back some control of our education by seeking out support when we need it. Now is the perfect time to learn about the benefits of tutoring and the plethora of academic support options at Syracuse University.

CLASS has so many unique programming options, it will make your head spin.

The Center for Learning and Student Success (CLASS) has a multitude of academic support programs that are free for students! Need help understanding content in a tricky course this semester? Check out group tutoring. Weekly sessions are offered for ACC 151, ECN 101, MAT 221, PHY 211 and so many others! Want to learn study strategies applicable for all of your classes? Academic coaching is for you! And if you want help adapting your coursework to fit our online learning environment, you should definitely sign up for a Maximizing Online Learning session. These sessions are also available in Mandarin.

Individual support is also available.

Individual tutors are waiting right now to help you succeed in the vast majority of classes. Visit to find a tutor in the course you need help in. From mathematics to English literature to engineering to drama, you can receive assistance! Sessions are all individualized and work into your schedule. Also, you can even apply for sponsorship through your home college to cover the cost of tutoring!

Tutoring is for one and all.

It’s time to let go of any stigma around obtaining tutoring services. No matter your course, academic standing or GPA, everyone will benefit from attending these sessions. Tutors have all taken the course prior to you, so you’ll hear great tips for succeeding on exams. Furthermore, tutoring sessions are a fantastic arena to discuss content with your peers. This is especially crucial because lots of us aren’t connecting to classmates regularly in the age of virtual learning. So don’t hold back!

Seek support throughout the semester, not just for exams.

Everyone has experienced last-minute panic while preparing for an exam, but tutoring will help you the most if you make a regular commitment. Establish the routine of attending sessions early in the semester in order to avoid cramming come midterms week. Attending tutoring sessions from the beginning will give you more time to implement successful practices in class and on homework— a total win-win!

Want to become a tutor? It will help you in more ways than one.

Cognitive research has repeatedly shown that one of the best ways to cement your understanding of content is to teach it to others. If you have received at B+ or higher in any course at SU, you can sign up to be a tutor at You even set your own schedule and hourly rate! Not only will you better your knowledge of your subject, but you will learn valuable communication skills in conveying that knowledge to others (not to mention tutoring is a fabulous resume booster). Learn more about becoming a tutor, today!

So there you have it. The benefits of receive tutoring and becoming a tutor are profound, and the sheer number of academic support options facilitated by CLASS is astounding. Don’t just take my word for it— email to learn more! Let’s take advantage of these options and find greater success amid the tumultuous pandemic. And of course, let’s go Orange!

Written by Ava Breitbeck ’22, College of Arts and Sciences, CLASS Office Assistant

Please note, this image was taken prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and does not reflect current public health guidelines.