When I came to Syracuse University my freshman year, one of the first things I did in my first month as a student was look for a job on campus. Throughout high school I worked part-time to make some extra spending money, and I wanted to continue to do so in college. I applied to a few different on-campus positions and ended up getting a job in the Communications office for the Student Experience division. I’ve worked at the same office the last four years (!!) and have learned a lot along the way. Here are three things that I’ve gained as a student employee.

Time Management Skills

Balancing work, extracurriculars and being a full-time student can be a lot. As a student employee, I’ve learned a lot about building a schedule for myself and sticking to it. I like having my days organized so I know what time I have free, so I write my activities down in a calendar to keep track of everything I need to do. I think I procrastinate less because I’ve learned how to make the most of my time during the day and fill my schedule in order to be the most productive I can be!

Knowing When to Ask for Support

I’ve always tried to push myself to work as hard as I can, sometimes to a fault. As a student employee, I have gotten better at not only managing my time, but also understanding myself as a worker and acknowledging when I need a break or some extra support. In my experience, the full-time employees are really understanding that you are also a student, and they are willing to be flexible so you can put your academics first if needed. I’ve learned to balance my time and accept that I can’t always do it all!

Professional Connections I Can Rely on After Graduation

As a student employee, I’ve been able to gain experience for my resume that has made me a better professional. I’ve also gotten lots of feedback over the years and have been offered learning opportunities to help me grow in the communications field. My supervisors are so helpful and always eager to help me when I need it. I know I will be able to keep in touch with them after I leave Syracuse if I ever need anything in the future. Their support has been encouraging and it’s great that knowing there is a team of people always cheering me on!

My position as a student employee has helped me learn more about myself and given me valuable work experience for the future. I’ve gained a lot from my student employment over the past four years, and I am excited for what post-graduation brings!

Written By Charlotte Shea ’23, S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications