Welcome to Academic Affairs Corner, hosted by the Student Association’s Academic Affairs Committee. Here we will provide tips for you to succeed in your personal and professional life on campus! We are determined to provide a welcoming academic environment to every student.

For our first article, we want to present ways to help with procrastination, but first, some questions:

  • Do you find yourself losing interest in your schoolwork?
  • Do you find yourself spending time on your phone, watching TV or doing other unproductive activities when you have incomplete schoolwork?
  • When was the last time you completed an assignment before the day it was due?
  • How many assignments have you completed/submitted past the deadline this semester?
  • Do you find yourself taking extended breaks once you start doing work and then never going back to finish?

If you didn’t like your answers to some of these questions, then we have some tips for you to improve your procrastination habits!

  1. Plan out your final two weeks of the semester; don’t let your time go to waste.
  2. Use your Google or Outlook calendars to help plan your time.
  3. Stay ahead and make it a goal to get things done ahead of deadlines!
  4. Use CLASS for individual and group tutoring if you’d like some extra help or instruction.
  5. Email your professors about extended office hours or 1v1s if you are struggling in their classes.

These quick tips can provide an easy way to ease out old habits regarding procrastination. As you follow these tips, remember to give yourself some grace and be patient! It takes time to break habits and build new ones. We leave you with this thought from the committee: “One day or Today.”

Written by the 2022-23 Student Association Academic Affairs Committee