Although many of us will be having busy summers with internships, jobs and maybe even traveling, summer break is an opportunity to relax and get yourself back on track both mentally and physically. Most people use summer vacation to sit in bed all day and binge watch Netflix. Let’s turn that around and make this summer vacation productive and healthy! Here are a few ideas on how to get yourself feeling rejuvenated and both mentally and physically!

Take advantage of warm weather!

Consider spending at least 30-60 minutes outside a day! Spend time going on a walk, taking a bike ride or even jogging through your favorite hiking path.

Work on your sleep schedule.

Although there are a lot of opportunities to stay up late spending time with friends or binge watching your favorite series, take this opportunity to work on securing a healthy sleep schedule. Going to bed earlier and waking up earlier has been proven to increase your productivity and overall happiness! Not only will you feel better, but you will be rejuvenated and back on track for the upcoming fall semester.

Practice mindfulness.

Practicing mindfulness and focusing on mental health is something that a lot of students neglect during the semester. On top with our busy academic schedules, we also have busy social schedules, and it can honestly be hard to spend time with yourself. Use this break as a way to do the things you love and spend some time loving yourself and getting to know yourself. Here are a few mindfulness activities to take part in:

  • Painting/drawing
  • Reading
  • Journaling
  • Going on walks
  • Doing what makes you happy
  • Laughing
  • Meditation
  • Yoga/exercise

Don’t be hard on yourself.

Summer break is an opportunity for you to focus on yourself! It can be so easy to get wrapped up in social media and other forms of distractions. Take this time to journal, find a good book to read or even spend some time with friends or family that you have not seen in a while. Remember that it is okay to have lazy days where you do nothing sometimes.

I hope you found these tips helpful, and you use this break to not only relax but focus on yourself! See you next Fall!

Written by Haley Mykytka ’22, College of Visual and Performing Arts