After being home for almost three months it can be a huge change coming back to campus. Here are a few tips and tricks to make our SU community feel more like home!

Stay connected!

With all the technology we have it is so easy to stay connected with friends and family back home. Setting a schedule with your parent or guardian is a great way to stay connected with them back home! Even exchanging pictures back and forth of pets and memories from school is a great way to stay in touch with your life back at home.

Decorate similarly.

Decorating your apartment or dorm room to match your room at home is another way to make Syracuse feel more like home. Whether you bring your favorite blanket, pictures of friends and family, or use the same color scheme as your room at home it will feel as if you never even left.

Join a student organization on campus.

Being a part of a club or organization can make the campus seem a lot smaller. Not only this, being a part of an organization surrounded by people who have the same passions and interests as you can make you seem like you have a little family on campus. Keeping busy and taking part in activities that you are passionate about will also make you feel more at home.

Don’t know where to start or which organization is right for you? You can browse student organizations on ’Cuse Activities! If you are just interested in attending events on campus there is always something going on for everyone, no matter your interest. Use the Community Calendar and ’Cuse Activities to browse upcoming events happening right here on campus!

Find a favorite spot on campus.

Whether it is a spot in the library, Schine Student Center, or your bed in your dorm, finding a comfort spot is a great way to feel more comfortable in such a big place.

Stick to a routine.

Try sticking to the same routine you had at home and even trying to pick up some new healthy habits to include in your college routines. For instance, eating breakfast everyday, going on a walk around campus, and even going to the gym with your friend or roommate!

Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

After this year I think we all know that life is extremely uncertain and we rely on comfort to escape these uncertainties. Although it is easier said than done, do not be afraid to put yourself out there! Stepping outside of your comfort zone and joining organizations like Greek life, intramural sports, and other groups on campus is a great way to put yourself out there! Not only this, but asking professors for help and getting to know other students in your major can make your 100 person lectures seem a lot more welcoming.

I hope you find these tips and tricks helpful for making our campus feel more like home!

Written by Haley Mykytka ’22, College of Visual and Performing Arts