In our last edition, we brought you some great opportunities to get involved. It looks like you couldn’t get enough, so here are some more!

Dimensions Mentors

Dimensions is a women of color mentoring program serving first-year and upper-level students.  The program addresses issues that impact women from diverse backgrounds through facilitated dialogues where members can support each other, engage with one another, and acquire leadership and professional development skills. Dimensions Mentors applications are due Wednesday, March 31.

fullCIRCLE Mentors

fullCIRCLE peer mentors work with one to three first-year and/or transfer students to assist in their overall success by offering guidance and consistent support and serving as a positive role model. You will help your mentee make connections, build skills and support their academic success and intercultural exchange. fullCIRCLE Mentor applications are due Wednesday, March 31.

First-Year Seminar Peer Leaders

Be part of the inaugural year of First-Year Seminar (FYS) 101!  This required, graded and full-semester course for all incoming students will explore issues related to identity and belonging, global citizenship and the barriers that hinder community-building, such as bias, socialization, prejudice and stereotypes. FYS 101 is looking for peer leaders to assist lead instructors to guide these pivotal discussions and help create a climate in which new students feel welcomed, valued and integral to the campus community. Peer Leaders will have exclusive access to additional training and support that can be leveraged in their personal and professional development. FYS Peer Leader applications are due Monday, April 5.

And, in case you missed it in the last post, there’s still a chance to apply for: