Let’s face it, we are all tired of hearing about COVID, whether it is in the news, in class or in a conversation with friends, COVID has taken over our lives. Although we may be tiring of hearing about COVID, it does not mean that we should stop following the guidance that SU and Central New York have put in place. We need to stick to the Stay Safe Pledge and not let COVID fatigue settle in.

If that fatigue is starting to settle in, here are a few ways to overcome that feeling:

  • Exercise and get your body moving. There are so many resources to take advantage of at the Barnes Center at the Arch!
  • Practice mindfulness and gratitude whether it’s through meditation or even journaling everyday what you are thankful for. The Barnes Center at the Arch has resources such as the Crowley Family MindSpa and virtual resources like meditation, yoga and therapy.
  • Stay informed, but do not overwhelm yourself. It is important to stay up to date with everything going on in the world but limit the amount of time you spend on social media. It can cause a lot of anxiety and unnecessary stress.
  • Stay physically distant, not socially isolated. Even though we cannot physically see our friends and family members, we can stay connected through Facetime and Zoom!

And, in case you need some helpful reminders on staying safe this semester:

Wear your mask at all times!

Whether you are walking to class, in a campus facility or going somewhere off campus, mask wearing is mandatory for the safety of yourself, students, staff and faculty.

Your mask should cover your mouth and your nose and should fit snugly against the sides of your face. Although it is not mandatory, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest doubling up on face masks in order to protect yourself and others.

Here are a few mask dos and don’ts:

  • Do wear disposable, cloth, or KN95 masks.
  • Do wear a mask that completely covers your nose and mouth.
  • Do wear a mask that has two or more layers of washable, breathable fabric.
  • Do wear masks that have a nose wire.
  • Don’t wear single-layer gaiters or bandanas as a mask.
  • Don’t wear masks with exhalation valves or vents.
  • Don’t wear masks that are intended for healthcare workers, including N95 respirators.

More Ways to Keep Yourself Safe

  • Maintain 6 feet of distance from others.
  • Get a flu vaccine!
  • Limit gatherings to 10 people.
  • Wash your hands regularly and clean surfaces you touch.
  • Monitor your health symptoms of COVID-19, complete the daily health screening and notify the Barnes Center if you exhibit any symptoms.

More Ways to Keep the Orange Community Safe

  • Do not travel outside of Central New York (CNY) for the duration of the Spring 2021 semester, unless deemed by University to be essential. (Central New York is defined as Onondaga, Cayuga, Cortland, Madison and Oswego counties.)
  • Do not host visitors outside of CNY. Remember, guests are not allowed on campus.
  • Adhere to all directives and University guidance if you need to be quarantined or isolated.
  • Don’t attend in-person classes or participate in activities if exhibiting any symptoms of the COVID-19 virus, are awaiting test results, or test positive for the virus.
  • Pick a time that’s best for you and get tested weekly at the Stadium Testing Center.
  • Immediately notify Syracuse University’s COVID-19 Project Management Office of a positive COVID-19 test result if receiving a test not provided by the University.
  • Immediately and honestly participate in contact tracing.
  • Follow directives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, New York State, and/or local authorities that become public during the semester.

Please take these reminders into consideration on the daily. Have a great semester and stay safe!

Written by Haley Mykytka ’22, College of Visual and Performing Arts