With the cool weather starting to approach us, it is important to know what to expect! Although this school year may look different from past years, here are a few ways to prepare and survive the winter here in Syracuse!

Dress for the Weather

Although this is a given, students still tend to forget the importance of dressing for the cold. Every Syracuse University student needs a solid winter coat. You never know what to expect with Syracuse weather and having a good waterproof coat with the proper insulation will keep you warm and cozy all winter long. Make sure it has a hood to shield you from the powerful winds! Additionally, investing in a few winter hats, gloves and scarfs will keep you extra warm on your walk to class, the gym or even to the dining hall. Although it can be tempting to wear sneakers and fashion boots, it gets really slippery outside especially when it starts snowing. Invest in a good pair of winter boots with thick socks for extra warmth!

Be Mindful of Your Health

With everyone already practicing good hygiene and health due to COVID-19, it is extra important to keep practicing these remedies with the cold weather approaching. You are more prone to getting sick in the winter time with the flu, strep throat or even just the common cold. Make sure to wash your hands, practice social distancing and get your flu shot. Let’s work together to keep our Orange Community safe and healthy!

Keep Yourself Busy

With everyone spread all over campus in either different dorms or apartments, you can easily feel disconnected from your friends. Plan fun inside activities with your friends such as a movie marathon with hot chocolate and popcorn or even a fun arts and crafts night. There are countless ways you and your friends can stay busy and connected during the wintertime! As always, you can visit the University Community Calendar or ‘Cuse Activities to find student-centered events.

Stock Up on the Essentials

Whether you live in a dorm or off campus in an apartment, it is important to make sure you are stocked up on the essentials this winter. Here is a short list of a few items to make sure you have on hand:

  • Cough drops
  • Tissues
  • Thermometer
  • Vitamin C
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Hand warmers
  • Warm drinks (teas, coffees, hot chocolate)
  • Snacks (soup, popcorn, granola bars, nuts)

Did you know there’s an on-campus pharmacy where you can purchase many of these items? Check out the Barnes Center at The Arch Pharmacy! They now support online orders for pick-up, so you don’t have to go all the way off campus through the snow.

Get Outside

Despite the below freezing temperatures, it is still important to leave your dorm or apartment every now and then. Grab your roommates or a few close friends and go socially distanced sledding on our hilly campus.

I hope these tips and tricks will help you through this upcoming winter. Make sure to have fun and be safe! Goodluck!

Written by Haley Mykytka ’22, College of Visual and Performing Arts