Let’s face it: there are times when we may be feeling a little helpless. So many things are changing quickly and it can feel like we’re left scrambling to catch up. But if we can all take a moment, we can remember that even apart and in uncertain times, we can use our power to make a difference.

In the spirit of making small differences in our communities, we asked our friends in the Office of Engagement Programs how we can still serve while social distancing. Here are their top ten ways to make a difference during this time:

  1. Spread positivity by leaving notes for your neighbors to find or drawing uplifting pictures on your window, sidewalk or driveway.
  2. Start a pile in your house with things you can donate once collection centers re-open.
  3. Donate blood.
  4. Pick up trash in your neighborhood on Earth Day, Wednesday, April 22.
  5. Grow plants and vegetables to donate later.
  6. Offer your help to your neighbor by leaving them a note with your name, contact information and what you can offer, like your extra pantry staples, a trip to the grocery store, or a weekly phone call to help feel less isolated.
  7. Sew masks.
  8. Find a local organization’s supply needs or Amazon Wish List, donate and share to your social media encouraging others to donate.
  9. Write cards and letters to send to nursing home residents and hospital patients who can’t see their families.
  10. If you’re able, consider making a monetary donation to your local food bank or other non-profit organizations.